Helping professionals redefine their baseline and tap into peak performance

Use Flow States to Sharpen Your Focus, Triple Your Productivity, and Reach Your Goals in Record Time

Zero-to-Dangerous helps you accomplish your wildest professional goals while reclaiming time, space and freedom in your personal life.

Next cohort:
August 20, 2023
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Next cohort:
August 20, 2024 (dynamically generated)
Featured in
Harvard Business Review
National Geographic
National Geographic
Harvard Business Review

Flow research collective is rated excellent on trustpilot

Read all 242 reviews


"This showed me that 80% of my work was sabotaging the 20% of my effort that was producing almost all of my results! They showed me how to drop the 80% of effort that was suppressing my performance and slowing me down. The changes I made are allowing me to write my next book in a fraction of the time!"

Vishen Lakhiani

"Before training with the Flow Research Collective, I didn't know how to drive myself into the zone. Some days I'd crush it, but it was inconsistent. Now every workday is better than my best workdays used to be. I'm so much more productive, it's shocking how much of a difference it made."

Charles Lightfoot Portrait
Charles D. Lightfoot
Firefighter & CEO, Firebrand Media Group

Are you struggling to balance your lofty professional goals with your family life, health and internal wellbeing?

We get it! It's not your fault. We're here to help.

We've combined the most powerful elements of executive coaching with scientific research and cutting edge digital delivery to produce a powerful solution.

The real problem is not only huge, but it’s everything, everywhere, all the time:

  • The average knowledge worker is only productive for 2.3 hours per day
  • Every week, they spend half a day duplicating work they did the week before‍
  • They check their email 36 times per hour‍
  • They’re interrupted 56 times per day‍
  • They waste 36 hours in unnecessary meetings a month

And most devastating of all: the average knowledge worker is interrupted every 11 minutes (and it takes up to 23 minutes to get back into focus after a disruption).

The modern workplace steals your attention and undermines your best intentions at every turn. But your attention is your access point to peak performance.

In Zero-to-Dangerous, you’ll reclaim your attention and prioritize flow.

From there, it's possible for you to achieve more in the next year than what some achieve in their entire career.

Zero to dangerous

Zero to Dangerous is a neuroscience-based peak performance training for entrepreneurs and leaders struggling with self sabotage and uncertainty.

"If I had taken this workshop ten years ago, it would have saved me so much time, and money, and pain and aggravation. I’m pissed I didn’t do this earlier! It’ll probably end up adding millions of dollars to my career."

Tucker Max
4 x NYT Bestselling Author & CEO of SCRIBE

How it works


Daily Content & Exercises

Over eight weeks, you’ll master the world’s most cutting edge, science based strategies for achieving peak performance in business and life. Our framework will help you produce real results fast—freeing up time, reducing overwhelm and spending your entire workday in flow!


Intimate Neuroscience Based Coaching

Access to weekly group coaching, facilitated by expert-level coaches for ongoing accountability, support and feedback. All of our coaches are world leading experts and will push you to where you want to go—and far beyond.


Group Coaching & Community

You get access to the Flow Research Collective digital community so you can connect with other like minded high performers and elevate your peer group. Imagine being plugged into a community of peak performing business leaders who provide you with accountability, support and feedback.


FRC A.I. Flow Assistant

Have burning questions about Flow? Our custom trained FRC A.I. assistant can provide you with immediate, on-demand access to our best peak performance habits and tips. Anytime of the day!

what to expect
what to expect
what to expect
what to expect
what to expect
what to expect
what to expect
what to expect

Laser-Like Clarity

about where you're going in life and business, and exactly how to get there


Diamond-Like Adaptability

so that pressure, adversity and uncertainty forge you into a stronger leader

Diamond artwork

Become Recession-Proof

by spending your entire work day in flow (which we believe is the ultimate competitive edge)


500% Increases In Productivity

so you can get more done on Monday than you currently do in an entire week (no joke)

Brain artwork

On-Demand Access To Flow States

so you can stay in that hyper-focused zone and say goodbye to the distractions of technology and trivial nonsense


Remove Self-Sabotage, Urgency, And Overwhelm

so that you can be fully present with your family and those who matter to you


Rockstar Resilience And Recovery

to become that person who’s always in a state of calm, unflinching, ruthless effectiveness


Free Up Your Time

so you can have more space to think, develop skills, and pursue your passions

Hourglass artwork

“My productivity levelled up so fast that I got the exact career opportunity I’d been looking for, before I finished the training! It did what it promised faster than I could've imagined. It’s really amazing!”

Sean McCormick portrait
Sean McCormick
Host of the Optimal Performance Podcast with Natural Stacks

“This training is just next LEVEL! I’ve done Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, everything—this is worth 10x what the Flow Research Collective charges. If you really apply this, it will be THE THING that changes your game forever.”

Bret Lockett Portrait
Bret Lockett
Former NFL Safety, Entrepreneur & Business Consultant

"If you're interested in living up to your full potential, flow is the way to get there. Zero to Dangerous gives you all the tools you need to get into flow more often and go full speed ahead after your dreams. I loved every second of this program."

Krysta Stryker Portrait
Krysta Stryker
Entrepreneur & Fitness Expert

Here's what people say

How do I know training with Flow Research Collective will work for me?

Our trainings are based on cutting edge research done by some of the world’s leading academic institutions.

We've used our methodology with 25,000+ clients and taught it to 250,000+ students. It's proven to work.

Our framework has been implemented by the most prominent organizations in the world.

Who we work with
Navy Seals
Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs
Navy Seals

Here’s what others have said about our thought leadership and training:

“A game-changing account of the secrets of ultimate human performance—a must for anyone interested in seriously raising the level of their game.”

Ray Kurzweil
Ray Kurzweil
Google Director Of Engineering

“Essential for anyone looking for a better tomorrow.”

Elon Musk
Elon Musk
Tesla, SpaceX, and Boring Company CEO

“Inspiring, filled with incredible insights… a practical how-to game plan for going big and impacting the world.”

Michael Dell
Michael Dell
CEO, Dell Computers

“A visionary roadmap for people who believe they can change the world.”

Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton
Former U.S. President

“Mindblowing. Deep lessons about all of the extraordinary opportunities before us!”

Anousheh Ansari
Anousheh Ansari
CEO, XPRIZE; 1st Private
Female Astronaut

“Every entrepreneur and leader needs to understand the transformation and opportunities to plan and prepare. The future is faster than you think.”

Artist, Producer, and Musician

“A visionary roadmap for people who believe they can change the world.”

Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins

More about the Zero to Dangerous curriculum:

Zero to Dangerous has three engines that drive you towards your goal

Week 01

Cultivating Your Dangerous Mindset & Flow 101

In this week you’ll learn how the world’s most successful people think and see reality. You’ll also learn the neuroscience behind flow states so you can begin recreating them in your own life.

Day 01
Welcome To Zero to Dangerous

Ever wondered how so people have that neverending “electricity running through their veins” level motivation? Here’s the playbook to achieve that for yourself. This will be ultra helpful if you’ve got a transition coming up in life.

Day 02
The Difference Between Zero & Dangerous

The deep science of what triggers a flow state. Along with a roadmap to deploy these triggers. Oh, and a roadmap for impenetrable freedom in life (turns out this is called autonomy and also triggers flow).

Day 03
The Four Fundamental Elements

You’ll learn the four fundamental elements that underscore the mindset of the world’s most successful people. You’ll also learn how to adopt them into your own.

Day 04
Truth Filters, Discernment & First Principles

Zero to Dangerous does not train opinion. It’s science backed. Here you’ll learn about how to differentiate fact from fiction to enhance your decision making and critical thinking. 

Day 05
The History Of Peak-Performance

A comprehensive breakdown of the lineage of research Zero to Dangerous has emerged from. This will improve your retention as you’ll have the background for all of the ideas we’ll cover. 

Day 06
Flow & It’s Triggers

Here you’ll learn about what flow states actually are, along with how to trigger one. 

Day 07
The Flow Cycle

Here you’ll learn about the four stage flow cycle and how to build it into your own life so you can rapidly shift from flow to recovery and back. 

Week 02

Becoming A Time Jedi & Battling Cognitive Load

In this week we’ll shatter any preexisting notions you have around the concept of time. Then we’ll rebuild your perception of time from the bottom up so that you can unlock time abundance once and for all.

Day 01
Redefining Productivity Through Leverage

The mainstream definition of productivity is shockingly flawed. Here we’ll redefine the term so you clarify your thinking an action and unlock true productivity. 

Day 02
Shattering The Myth Of Time

Time is a beast that is forever difficult to tame. Here we’ll re-install a whole new belief system about time so you can achieve permanent time mastery. 

Day 03
Liberation Through Elimination

If you follow the steps in this video, and take action, you will reduce time spent doing things you don’t want to do by at least 25%. Bold claim, but we stand behind it. 

Day 04
Liberation Through Simplification

Here you’ll learn why simplification is a ferocious competitive advantage untapped by the masses. You’ll also takes steps to simplify every element of your existence so you can harness the power of simplicity. 

Day 05
Liberation Through Automation

Henry Ford once said “Man minus machine is a slave. Man plus machine is a free man”. Here you’ll learn how to unlock time, energy and attention by doubling down on those things you’re humanity makes you uniquely good at—while outsourcing everything else to technology. 

Day 06
Liberation Through Lubrication

Most of us underestimate the power of “friction”. Here you’ll learn how to use friction to unlock a state we call “superfluidity”—where the entirety of life takes on an effortless nature. 

Day 07
Assembling Your Flow Container

We’ll go deep into the power of Parkinson's law and have you cut your workweek down to 50% of the hours you currently work. All the while boosting your output. 

Week 03

Reclaiming Sanity With Burnout Proofing, Recovery & Sleep

This week you’ll evolve into an executive athlete. That means learning how to sleep better than you ever have, dialling in your recovery practices and making yourself immune to burnout. 

Day 01
Cycling Flow To Become An Executive Athlete

The ultimate blueprint to leave the ranks of the average knowledge worker so you can join the “executive athletes” and enjoy the benefits that this style of work brings. 

Day 02
The Little Known Art of Burnout Proofing

Turn’s out burnout is a well researched topic. Here you’ll learn the six triggers for burnout, and how to reduce your susceptibility to each of them. The end result? Making yourself permanently immune to burnout. 

Day 03
Sleeping Your Way To Self Actualization

The way you’re sleeping is blocking you from unlocking your potential. Likely in a way that’s much more severe than you think. Let us help. 

Day 04
Becoming A Disciple Of Sleep

Here you’ll learn the 16 science backed action steps to sleep better than you ever have before. 

Day 05
Hacking Struggle & Regulating Stress

Some stress is a good thing. Chronic stress is poison. We’ll teach you how to achieve the perfect level of stress for elite performance and flow. 

Day 06
Saying No For Flow

Peak performers know how to set boundaries to protect their time, energy and attention. Doing so requires some serious skill in the art of saying no. We’ll show you exactly how to say no. 

Day 07
The Myth Of Rushing

Do you like being in a rush? If so, skip this module. If not, then we’ll show you how rushing is a cognitive fallacy and how to stop if forever. 

Week 04

Optimizing Your Physiology With Positive Psychology

In this week we’ll teach you how to get your biology to work for you, not against you. You’ll master the non-negotiable habits that science says every human being needs to be performing to max out performance. 

Day 01
Surrendering To Your Biology

As a human being there are certain non negotiable things you have to do to perform at your best. Here you’ll learn what they are.

Day 02
Fueling Your System

Here we’ll teach you the three fundamentals of health to cut through the noise. We’ll also give you a ruthlessly efficient way of discerning what supplements are worthwhile. Oh—you’ll also learn how to achieve permanent hydration. 

Day 03
Mastering Your Meat Suit

Most people believe they think with their brains. That’s false. Our entire bodies contribute to the nature of our thinking. We’ll show you how to improve your performance by tapping into “embodied cognition”. 

Day 04
Gratitude To Win

Gratitude makes your brain work better. You’ll learn the most effective gratitude practices along with a big, uncomfortable gratitude challenge. 

Day 05
High Performance Mindfulness

We’ll define mindfulness with a level of simplicity you’ve likely never encountered before. Then we’ll teach you a multitude of approaches to improving mindfulness. Meditation is only one option. 

Day 06
Relationships As Oxygen & Attitudinal Contagion

Turns out the classic self-help saying that “you’re the average of the five people you spent the most time around” has a neuroscientific basis. We’ll teach you the exact steps needed upgrade your peer group (joining Zero to Dangerous will help you do this anyway). This intervention is shockingly potent. 

Day 07
The When Of Peak-Performance

To join the ranks of the elite performers, you’ve got to understand one critical thing: when you work, it is more important than how much you work. You’ll learn your unique biorhythms so you can surf the waves of your energy day to day.

Week 05

Waging War On Distraction & Overwhelm

This week is where you steal your sanity back from the technological overlords. We’ll be helping you undo the brain melt and stimulation dependency. All so you can unlock a laser like focus so powerful you’ll have to be careful where you look. 

Day 01
Fighting 21st Century Brain Melt

Modern day life is breaking most people’s brains. We’ll show you what this looks like neurophysiologically—along with how to protect yourself. 

Day 02
Overwhelm Assasination

The outcome here is simple: a step by step system to avoid overwhelm. Right now and forever.

Day 03
Battling Distraction & Defending Attention

You’ll learn how to barricade yourself from the litany of distractions coming your way. Why? So you can experience a lazer like focus you never knew was possible. 

Day 04
Severing Technologies Attention Tentacles

The exact settings to put your smartphone and laptop on to optimize yourself for flow states. Along with the best tech tools peak performers use to squeeze more out of their time. 

Day 05
Escaping Technological Slavery

This module will provide a detailed roadmap for exactly how to interact with your technology. The goal being to teach you how to drop off your tech, without becoming cut off. 

Day 06
Assembling Your Temple of Flow

A satisfyingly straightforward module: every ingredient you need to build a working environment that’s optimal for flow. From the lighting to the desk setup. 

Day 07
Taking Stock On Your Danger

As you can see, you’re going to cover a TON. Heren we’ll take stock and make sure you’ve fully on track and seeing stellar results. 

Week 06

Limitless Motivation, Pristine Clarity & Flowy Execution

This week will involve you finding that electricity running through your veins level motivation that fuels the world's top performers. You’ll also learn the keys to 10xing what you currently get out of a workday.

Day 01
The Formula For Limitless Motivation & Momentum

Ever wondered how so people have that neverending “electricity running through their veins” level motivation? Here’s the playbook to achieve that for yourself. This will be ultra helpful if you’ve got a transition coming up in life. 

Day 02
Trigger Neuroscience & Autonomy

The deep science of what triggers a flow state. Along with a roadmap to deploy these triggers. Oh, and a roadmap for impenetrable freedom in life (turns out this is called autonomy and also triggers flow).  

Day 03
Clear Goals & The Challenge Skills Balance

Two of flow’s most powerful triggers. You’ll learn how to harness these everyday to drive yourself into wildly deep, long flow states. Consistently.

Day 04
Unlocking Pristine Clarity

Not 100% sure where you want to go in life? Or what your next steps are? That’s a shame because it’s likely blocking you from flow. We’ve got a pretty damn effective solution for you. 

Day 05
Asymmetric Warfare, Power Moves & Extreme Intentionality

We’ll bet you’ve encountered some blisteringly effective people in life. This video will show you exactly how they set up their workday to achieve intimidating effectiveness. 

Day 06
Calendar Worship & Time Tracking

You’ll learn how to set up your calendar optimally. Why? So you can sit back, relax and know that if you knock out what’s on your calendar, day after day, you’ll end up where you want to be.  

Day 07
Bedtime Flow & Wake Up Flow

The step by step morning and evening routine, backed by science, and optimal for flow. Along with action steps so you can implement it immediately. 

Week 07

Building A High Flow Lifestyle

By now, you’ll have a lot of the peak performance tools under wraps. Here we integrate it all so you can start to live at the upper edge of your potential. All the time. We’ll make this a new normal for you.

Day 01
The What The Hell of Flow

After all the learning you’ll have done by now, we’re going to revisit the basics with another deep dive into flow science. This time in a little more detail. 

Day 02
Flow Cycle 1: Struggle & Release

Mastering the flow cycle is a crucial component of Zero to Dangerous. This module will show you exactly how to master the first half so you can plunge yourself deep into flow on demand. 

Day 03
Cycle 2: Flow & Recovery

The second half of the flow cycle. Here you’ll learn how to elongate your flow states and recover rapidly on the backend. All so you can get back in again. 

Day 04
Leaning Into Your Strengths & Invisible Skills

We advocate a strengths first approach to performance. You’ll discover what you’re most lethal, hidden strengths are so you can begin to build your work and life around them. The result will be more fun, more flow and a hell of a lot more success. 

Day 05
Becoming A Feedback Fiend

Without feedback you can’t access flow and you certainly can’t improve. Every system needs feedback to become better. We’ll show you why resistance to feedback is self sabotage. Then you’ll learn the four steps to gather feedback constantly.

Day 06
The External Triggers & VUCA For Flow

Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity are a struggle for most people. For people who understand neuroscience, they’re a potent way of accessing powerful flow states.

Day 07
Group Flow & The 80/20 of Emotional Intelligence

You’ll learn how to access flow states with others. You’ll also learn about the fundamentals of EQ and why you should listen to understand, not to respond. 

Week 08

Sustaining Peak-Performance Forever

Most performance programs result in a short spike in performance for two to three months. Then behavior returns to baseline. Zero to Dangerous strives for the opposite. Your results should compound aggressively over the long term. This week shows you how. 

Day 01
The Dark Side of Flow & Self Sabotage

A journey into the most common forms of self sabotage engaged by peak performers. This module will likely be confronting. It should be equally liberating. 

Day 02
The Art of The One Day Month

Does what it says on the tin. Here you’ll learn how to get done in one day, what currently takes you a month. 

Day 03
Forging Unstoppable Grit

The science of grit, along with a playbook to help you become ferociously gritty. 

Day 04
The High Flow Blockers

The most common blockers of peak performance, simplified and turned into an actionable checklist. No more getting stuck with dips in your performance. 

Day 05
The High Flow Checklist

The whole of Zero to Dangerous reduced down into one simple checklist you can monitor every week and day to ensure you’re on track. 

Day 06
Gamifying Elite Performance

Gamification is a powerful tool to drive behavioural change. You’ll learn why and be given a “gamification map” to deploy immediately in your own life. 

Day 07
The Art of Impossible

A reminder of what’s possible for you. Along with a detailed, one on one breakdown of all of your results through Zero to Dangerous (and how to ensure you keep rising up from here on out).


Is Zero to Dangerous an online training?

Zero to Dangerous is fully digitally delivered. That means you can do it from anywhere. However, it’s nothing like your usual “online course”. Most online courses have a 3% completion rate. Zero to Dangerous has a 90%+ completion rate. This is because it involves live engagement with incredible experts and leaders from all across the world. It’s not just a big, empty video library.

What is the flow research collective?

The Flow Research Collective is a peak performance research and training institute. On the research side, we’re partnered with universities like Stanford, UCLA, USC and institutions like Deloitte, attempting to understand what happens in the brain and body when human beings are performing at their best. On the training side, we build training programs that help business leaders improve their professional performance by accessing flow states more consistently.

What’s the purpose of “booking a Peak Performance Strategy Session” for Zero to Dangerous?

One of the important features of Zero to Dangerous is the group coaching and online community. What makes this so great, is that everyone in Zero to Dangerous is an inspiring, mission driven leader. The application process allows us to curate this kind of community and ensure it’s a good fit for both sides. 

When does Zero to Dangerous start?

You can join as soon as you’re accepted into Zero to Dangerous after your strategy session. However, we do reach coaching capacity at times, so if you’re interested, we recommend you apply right away.

Why does Zero to Dangerous exist?

As far as we could tell there is no science backed training that teaches business leaders, all the skills needed to unlock sustained peak performance and flow. Zero to Dangerous fills that void.

Where does Zero to Dangerous happen?

The whole training is delivered through our world class learning management system. This means you start the course at the top, and everything from the coaching sessions to the videos to the exercises, are laid out simply for you. No hunting for links or trying to find times!

Tell me how Zero to Dangerous works one more time… 

Sure. There are three components and they happen in parallel. First, eight weeks of daily video content and exercises. Second, one on one coaching with an expert performance coach every other week for eight weeks. Third, access to weekly group coaching with the rest of the Zero to Dangerous community. 

Who teaches the video content in Zero to Dangerous?

The content will be taught by both Steven Kotler, 4X New York Times bestselling author and world renowned peak-performance expert and Rian Doris, Kotler’s Co-Founder here at the Flow Research Collective. You’ll love their complimentary styles!

our director

Steven Kotler
Director of The Flow Research Collective

Steven is a 4x New York Times bestselling author, and 2x Pulitzer Prize nominee.

He is famous for titles such as The Future Is Faster Than You Think, Stealing Fire, Tomorrowland, The Rise of Superman, Abundance:

The Future is Better Than You Think, Bold, A Small Furry Prayer, West of Jesus, The Angle Quickest For Flight, and Last Tango In Cyberspace

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Zero to dangerous

Apply for our flagship training program and join the productivity revolution.

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More motivation

Harness the power of your neurobiology

Master science-based techniques designed to fine tune your brain for productivity.

Less Stress


Discover evidence-based strategies for maintaining mental clarity under pressure.

More Flow


Learn the science behind flow states and how to reliably trigger them.

More time


Gain actionable insights to supercharge your daily routines for maximum efficiency.