We partner with leading organizations to unlock the secrets of peak-performance.

Decoding flow is not a solo act. Since our inception, we’ve united a wide array of research giants, joining forces with top academic and private institutions, such as USC, UCLA and Formula 1.

Our research
Our research
Our research
Our research
Our research
Our research
Our research
Our research

A comprehensive proposal of the neurobiology and neurodynamics of state onset

With Center for Edge at Deloitte we worked to quantify the relationship between flow and Deloitte’s metrics for employee engagement.

Working with the oldest private research university in California on the correlation between flow states and creative moments and determining which aspects of flow are most prevalent in creative moments. With Glen Fox at University of Southern California

With UCLA we examine the effects of CBD on the amount of time it takes to drop into flow, the depth of flow experienced, and recovery. With Ojai Energetics and University of California, Los Angeles

Explores the neurobiological signature of flow using fMRI and PET with Andy Newberg at Jefferson University Hospital

Correlates set and setting variables with both positive and negative psychedelic and flow experiences. With Mendel Kaleem at Imperial College London

Trains Formula 1-bound drivers in augmenting their driving performance with flow.

Although a profusion of evidence has demonstrated a link between religion, spirituality, and sports, the question of whether spiritual beliefs and/or faith correlate with actual performance in athletic activity remains open.

The main objective of this study was to further understand the patterns of directional connectivity during exercise in low- and high-tolerant individuals.

Addressing Chronic Pain in the era of connectivity using the FLOW principles: Early access to a multidimensional approach in curtailing the debilitating disease of chronic pain.

We will discuss the flow state definition and dimensions, how the current neuroscientific literature, especially memory research, can help build theories to understand its mechanisms, and how to study it in controlled conditions in humans and animals.

The Flow Research Collective taught 17 adults aged 30-68 how to perform park skiing/snowboarding tricks over 4 days. Participants made significant progress learning the tricks, experienced increased flow states, and had more positive attitudes about learning new skills later in life.

Our previous pilot study at the intersection of flow, aging, and cognition investigated the effects of an applied embodied cognitive approach to learning and motor skill acquisition in older adults.

Recently, Kotler et al., 2022, explored the underlying neurodynamics of flow state onset by comparing and contrasting flow with the traumatic stress that can produce Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

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Flow research collective
Flow research collective
Flow research collective
Flow research collective
Flow research collective
Flow research collective
Flow research collective
Flow research collective

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