Dr. David Radosevich

Peak Performance Coach

David Radosevich, Ph.D. is a psychologist focused on peak performance, leadership, and team culture. His purpose is to coach the mindset and skills people need to achieve what's possible in their lives. He practices his craft as a consultant to C-suite leaders of Fortune 500 companies, as a professor who teaches students how to distinguish themselves in business, and as a performance coach who trains athletes to raise the bar on their leadership, teamwork, and emotional intelligence. The common thread is empowering people to develop the mindset to be their very best. David is a published, peer-reviewed author with an international best-selling book as well as a speaker on helping people elevate their game and accelerate their impact.

For over two decades, David has been helping organizations develop and maximize their human capital to drive business success, using business tools such as executive assessment, selection, training, needs assessment, and performance management. His clients have included Wal-Mart, Schering Plough, the New York State Police, Bell Atlantic, and Developmental Dimensions International, where he has assessed over 3,000 leaders from hundreds of Fortune 500 firms.

Dr. Radosevich lectures regularly on the fusion of business and psychology to drive peak performance in the workforce, including such topics as Mindset, Leadership Development, Team Building, and Organizational Change and Transformation.

His work has been published in several journals, including the Journal of Applied Psychology, International Journal of Business Research, and Innovate. He also contributes to the Academy of Management and American Psychological Association, among other professional organizations. David’s current project is writing a book to help people find their path to a more fulfilling career and life.