Master neuroscience to coach peak performance and help clients tap into flow state.

Catalyst helps you master the craft of coaching and become an expert in flow science so you can sign dream clients, build credibility and deliver incredible results.

Featured in
Harvard Business Review
National Geographic
National Geographic
Harvard Business Review
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Learn more about Catalyst

Are you a coach or service provider with a passion for flow, peak performance and higher states of consciousness, wanting to coach your clients to achieve flow state?

Catalyst is the world’s leading training for service providers who want to coach, teach and train others in the science of peak performance and flow states.

"What makes Flow Research Collective important is that they put all flow tools into the hands of coaches. They are quantifying the tools and turn them into really usable methods. "

Cara Bradley portrait
Cara Bradley
Motivational Speaker and Author

How Does Catalyst Work?

There Are Four Phases To The Program:


Reach your best performance yet


Become an expert in Flow Science


Become a powerful coach


Connect with an inspiring group of Like Minds

Catalyst has five main elements…


Daily Content & Exercises

Over twelve weeks, you’ll master the world’s most cutting edge, science based strategies for coaching clients to reach flow and peak performance. It’s digitally delivered in simple daily chunks so you can learn easily, anywhere.

Steven Kotler speaking on stage
Steven Kotler in Talk Show

World Class, Expert Level Coaching

You’ll have access to a PhD level psychologist or neuroscientist coach over twelve weeks. This serves two functions. First it’ll help level up your own game. Second they will coach you on how to coach others and integrate what you’re learning with what you already know.


Group Coaching & Community

Every week, our Peak Performance Instructors facilitate live group coaching sessions. Imagine being plugged into a community of world class coaches and consultants.

Steven Kotler speaking
Flow Book

The Flow Research Collective Coaching Framework

We’ve synthesized everything we know about coaching flow and peak performance into one framework. This framework includes everything you need to begin coaching immediately, from exercises to questions to protocols.


Your Magnum Opus

Too many coaching certifications don’t require you to produce anything of value. That’s not the case here. You’ll produce your own, original piece of work, under the guidance of our PhD level trainers. You can then use whatever you create—a coaching framework, a speech, a course—within your own practice.

Steven Kotler speaking on stage
ICF cce certification

ICF CCE Certified

Upon graduation, you will be awarded 40 Continued Coaching Education credits by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). There are many routes towards ICF Certification depending on where you are in your coaching education and experience. CCE accreditations are designed for supplemental and continuing education for those wishing to acquire new learning and professional development. We fully support participants interested in using these credits to pursue the ICF Portfolio Path for credentialing. Visit for more information

What Results Are Possible With Catalyst?

Develop MSc level expertise in peak performance and flow

To speak with authority, credibility, and confidence on the topic

Master an instantly applicable coaching framework

And begin delivering incredible value to your clients right away

Harness the power of flow state within your own life

So that you’re practicing what you preach!

Boost your credentials

So that you can build your brand, business, and become an authority

Offer your clients more value

So you can expand your practice, work with dream clients, and command the fees you deserve

Use this as an inflection point

To move towards the way of living and working you’ve dreamed of

Be surrounded by inspiring individuals

So you’re supported, held accountable, and pushed beyond what you thought possible for yourself

Turn your passion into your career

So you spend all day, every day using your knowledge, experience, and skills to help others live and perform optimally

Help make flow and optimal psychology mainstream

So that more people spend more time in flow!

Apply now

How To know if Catalyst is right for you...

You’re a coach or an aspiring coach seeking a science backed approach to coaching that focuses specifically on peak performance and flow states.

You want to level up your own performance so that you’re practicing what you preach and taking your own game to as high a level as possible. This is for you if you want more flow and control over your time and life.

You don’t want to be “just another coach”, you want legitimate credentials that help you stand out as an authority.

You’re tired of consuming endless amounts of information and want something active, that inspires, transforms and educates you all at once

What is Catalyst Based On?

The training is a synthesis of over 100 years of academic research and thirty years of experience training over 100,000 individuals and working with organizations like Google, Accenture, and Morgan Stanley.

We've used our methodology with 25,000+ clients and taught it to 250,000+ students. It's proven to work.

Our framework has been implemented by the most prominent organizations in the world.

Who we work with
Navy Seals
Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs
Navy Seals


Steven Kotler from Flow Research Collective portrait

Your Lead Instructor

Steven Kotler is a New York Times bestselling author and an award-winning journalist.

Too many coaching certifications don’t require you to produce anything of value. That’s not the case here. You’ll produce your own, original piece of work, under the guidance of our PhD level trainers. You can then use whatever you create—a coaching framework, a speech, a course—within your own practice.

Apply now

More about The Catalyst curriculum:

Module 01

The Craft Of Coaching

Defining The Craft of Coaching

Here you’ll learn the fundamental essence of what coaching is, how it’s different from other modalities, and the ultimate purpose of a coaching interaction. 

Becoming A Craft Focused Coach

Here we’ll give you the roadmap needed to succeed as a coach in the 21st century. Hint: it’s more about craft mastery than Instagram followers. 

A Coaching Modality Meta Analysis

This module provides a synthesis of every coaching modality we know of. All broken down visually in a matrix. This will give you a crucial overarching view of the entire coaching landscape so you can use the best elements of each modality. 

The Little Known History of Coaching

Here we cover the history of how coaching came to be; it's surprising origins, the different influences which make it the global industry it is today, and what you need to do to succeed as a coach in today's marketplace.

Meeting the Parents of Modern Day Coaching

Deep dive into the key thinkers who contributed to coaching, their key works, and gain insight into areas that are calling you. 

Module 02

Framework for Coaching Flow

The Battle Between Science and Frameworks

Most frameworks are not scientifically validated. We’ll cover the pro’s and con’s of frameworks and the tension between the practitioner and the researcher so that you and your clients are fully informed. 

An Overview of The FRC Coaching Framework

Here we’ll walk you through the five core elements of the FRC Coaching Framework. First, science and research. Second, the style of coaching. Third, models and exercises. Fourth, protocols. Fifth, key coaching questions. 

Mastering Self-Directed Coaching For Flow

Here we give a breakdown of the style of coaching we recommend when trying to coach flow, along with exactly how to implement it.

Flow Science

Each week, we layer in the science behind flow and how it will set you apart as a coach. In this module: Foundational Neuroscience and a Tour of the New Brain.

Module 03

Mastering the skills: Coaching mindset

Sequencing Flow Coaching

Steven talks about how you would sequence a coaching engagement from principles of flow science; stacking our intrinsic motivators so we don't need to rely on will power alone.

Mastering Growth Mindset Protocols

Practicing tools that help gauge client locus of control to move them into a growth mindset for change.

Flow Science

Each week, we layer in the science behind flow and how it will set you apart as a coach. In this module: Brain Anatomy and Networks, the Language of the Brain and the ANS.

Module 04

Mastering the Skills: Motivation & Goals

Mastering Motivation Protocols

Learn what motivation is and how to coach from the inside out: building an Intrinsic Motivation Stack and Passion Recipe for your clients.

Mastering Goal Setting Protocols

Learn how to work with your clients on designing their Goal Stack towards their MV-MTP.

Coaching Positive Psychology Basics

Diving deeper into one of the modalities that underpins our coaching frameworks: Positive Psychology, and why it is so powerful in helping clients move towards their vision.

Flow Science

Each week, we layer in the science behind flow and how it will set you apart as a coach. In this module: Flowy Neuroanatomy and Brain Networks with Flow.

Module 05

Mastering the Skills: Flow Blockers

Mastering Flow Blocker Coaching

We’ve identified 10 key flow blockers. Here we show you what they are and give you practical tools to help your client overcome each flow blocker.

Mastering Cognitive Load Training

All flow triggers either reduce cognitive load or increase flow-priming neurotransmitters. Here, we show you how to reduce cognitive load in your clients so that flow can be triggered more effectively.

Flow Science

Each week, we layer in the science behind flow and how it will set you apart as a coach. In this module: Flowy Neurochemistry & Neuroelectricity.

Module 06

Mastering the Skills: Flow Cycle

Flow Cycle Education

Learn how to educate your clients in the Flow Cycle so they can self-diagnose where they're blocked on, being able to harness more flow.

Mastering the Flow Cycle

Working with tools to get practical with accessing flow on demand, no longer relying on it as a haphazard state but one that can be designed into each day.

Flow Science

Each week, we layer in the science behind flow and how it will set you apart as a coach. In this module: Major Hubs of Flow Research & Last 70 Years of Flow Science to help steer your upcoming Magnum Opus!

Module 07

Mastering the Skills: Flow Triggers

Mastering the Flow Triggers

Learn about the 22 flow triggers (for individual and group), layered with your flow cycle education, the scientific underpining, and how to coach it!

Flow Science

Each week, we layer in the science behind flow and how it will set you apart as a coach. In this module: Deep Dive into Flow Resources (Books & Research Papers) and Flow Trigger Neuroscience.

Module 08

Mastering the Skills: Grit

Coaching Grit

Understanding why it's important to cultivate grit with your clients as a way of sustaining flow and peeling away the layers of what grit is about.

Mastering the Habit of Ferocity

Learning the six different types of Grit and specific tools you can use to cultivate grit in different ways to develop this habit!

Flow Science

Each week, we layer in the science behind flow and how it will set you apart as a coach. In this module: Double Clicking on Flow & Stress and Review.

Module 09

MAGNUM OPUS MONTH — Creating your Flow Playbook

The Magnum Opus Overview

We’ll give you an overview of your research project, the steps involved and why it matters. You’ll learn our simple, frictionless approach to producing research backed content.

Magnum Opus Topic Selection

Here you select a topic about flow science and research that’s been of interest to you in the past. It can be whatever you want—breathwork and peak performance, flow and parenting, adversity, and the science of resilience—take your pick. 

The Science of Research 

Here we show you how to conduct research, in a simple step by step fashion. This will allow you to investigate any practice or protocol and see if there’s research that validates it. 

The Purpose of Scientific Validity

Here we talk about why research even matters and what the point of being “backed by science is”. 

Presenting Your Magnum Opus

Once you’ve completed your Magnum Opus, you’ll present it to your cohort for feedback. This is an amazing opportunity to show off your work and learn how to improve your process. 

The Work Of Those Who Went Before You

Here you get access to all of the incredible research projects of previous participants.

Applying Your Magnum Opus In The Wild

Now it's time to take your research project and turn it into something you can immediately use in your business or practice! This way you walk out of the training with something you can immediately put into use. 

Module 10


If you're someone who wants even more, you'll find all sorts of never before seen goodies here: Intimate interviews with the world’s best coaches from across domains. Quizzes to test your process. Coaching demonstrations on the flow tools. This is a course for people serious about coaching as a skill!


What is the Flow Research Collective?

The Flow Research Collective is a peak performance research and training institute. On the research side, we’re partnered with universities like Stanford, UCLA, USC and institutions like Deloitte, attempting to understand what happens in the brain and body when human beings are performing at their best. On the training side, we build training programs that help business leaders improve their professional performance by accessing flow states more consistently. 

Is Catalyst an online training?

Catalyst is fully digitally delivered. That means you can do it from anywhere. However, it’s nothing like your usual “online course”. Most online courses have a 3% completion rate. The High Flow Coaching Certification has a 100% completion rate. This is because it involves live engagement with incredible experts and leaders from all across the world. It’s not just a big, empty video library.

What’s the purpose of “booking a strategy session” for Catalyst?

One of the important features of the Catalyst is the group coaching and community. What makes this so great, is that everyone in the program is an inspiring, mission driven coach, consultant or facilitator. The application process allows us to curate this kind of community and ensure it’s a good fit for both sides.

When does Catalyst start?

You can join as soon as you’re accepted into Catalyst after your strategy session. However, we do reach coaching capacity, so if you’re interested, we recommend you apply right away.

Why does Catalyst exist?

As far as we could tell there is no comprehensive neuroscience based coaching program that focuses specifically on teaching people to coach flow states. We thought we ought to create one!

Where does Catalyst happen?

The whole training is delivered through our world class learning management system. This means you start the course at the top, and everything from the coaching sessions to the videos to the exercises, are laid out simply for you. No hunting for links or trying to find times!

Who are the main instructors in Catalyst?

The content will be taught by 3X New York Times bestselling author and world renowned peak-performance expert Steven Kotler and Rian Doris, Kotler’s Co-Founder here at the Flow Research Collective. You’ll love their complimentary styles! We also have other world-leading experts and master coaches teach certain modules.

"Flow Research Collective is bringing a great data set to the table. They combine and integrate the research to find optimal solutions for individuals and groups. They help to amplify the returns of flow states."

Matthew Reibling portrait
Matthew Reibling
Founder of Techsyn

"We are all starting to formalize the structure in which to implement flow. This is super exciting and has the opportunity to change the world."

Jason Bissell portrait
Jason Bissel
CEO at GainInsights Solutions