Imagine having one of the world’s most prolific authors as your personal mentor...

Flow for Writers is your shortcut to achieving success as a published author.

Flow for Writers teaches you everything you need to know to hone your message, write your dream book and make a massive impact on the world. All while building your brand, business and authority.

Featured in
Harvard Business Review
National Geographic
National Geographic
Harvard Business Review
Steven Kotler Authors coaching

Learn more about Flow for Writers

"Steven and the Flow Research Collective team give you all the tools you could possibly need to reliably get into flow. I got exactly what I'd hoped and way more."

Vishen Lakhiani

Want to become a world-class author who can craft sentences that mesmerize, paragraphs that spellbind, and New York Times’ Bestseller list level books?

Flow for Writers is a rare opportunity to learn directly from 2X Pulitzer Nominated Author Steven Kotler.

Steven Kotler on TV
Learn from Steven Kotler
Steven Kotler TedX Talk

You’ll rapidly learn everything Steven Kotler has learned the hard way over his 30+ year career writing 12X International Bestselling Author and becoming America’s most widely published journalist.


By the end of Flow for Writers you will know everything needed to write the best book you’re capable of, publish and market it effectively and build your brand and authority on the backend.

what to expect
what to expect
what to expect
what to expect
what to expect
what to expect
what to expect
what to expect

Masters Level Wordsmithing

Gain a masters level understanding of creative writing and massively improved writing skills so that you can write the best book possible

Brain artwork
Running man artwork

A Detailed Roadmap

For approaching book publishing and book marketing so that you can make your book an international bestseller, if that’s your goal


Cutting-Edge Neuroscience

A full system based on cutting-edge neuroscience for amplifying your creativity to produce more original content and thrive as a creative

neuron artwork
neurons artwork

Monetize Your Book

Everything needed to monetize your book on the backend from building courses, getting on the speaking circuit, growing your brand, building your business and establishing yourself as an authority


Peak Perfomance Tools

All of the key peak performance tools to get into flow state while writing, so you can produce your best work ever, in a fraction of the time, with much more ease!

hand holding tools artwork

How Does Flow for Writers Work?

Author writing in Flow

Clarity On Your Message, Book & Goal

You’ll start by working one on one with our expert level peak performance coaches. They’ll help you get crystal clear on where you want to go with your book, brand and message. We’ll even dive in deep and help you understand exactly what the impact you want to make on the world is.

Steven Kotler Flow speech

Writing Mastery with Steven Kotler

You’ll learn everything Steven has learned over his thirty year career, about writing, book publishing, book marketing, brand building, optimizing the writing process by getting into flow, hacking creativity and a ton more.


Lifetime Group Coaching & Community

Every month, you’ll get together live with Steven on an intimate group call to discuss any challenges you’re having with your writing process and how to resolve them. Steven, and all of the other writers and experts in the group will help you get to the next level fast.

Flow for Writers is for YOU if…

You’ve got domain matter expertise or a message to share and people you want to impact with your words

You know that what you have to say is valuable but you’re fuzzy about how to write, publish, launch and market a book

You’ve been thinking about writing a book for a long time and are finally ready to make it happen once and for all

You’re determined to do everything you can to make this book incredible and launch it successfully

You’ve got lots going on in life and you’re going to be writing this book while balancing lots of other responsibilities

What is Flow for Writers Based On?

Flow for Writers is a synthesis of everything Steven Kotler has learned over his 35+ years as a journalist, author and writer.

You’ll learn how he’s written prose that has gotten him nominated for 2 pulitzer prizes.

You’ll master his productivity and creativity hacks that have allowed him to write 12+ international bestsellers while running multiple businesses.

You’ll understand the positioning techniques that have gotten Steven featured everywhere from Harvard Business Review, to the New York Times and Time Magazine.

You'll learn how Steven researches his books, allowing him to create partnerships with some of the world's leading universities like Stanford, UCLA and USC.

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harvard business review logo
new York times logo
UCLA logo
Imperial College London logo
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Thoughts on our thought leadership

“A game-changing account of the secrets of ultimate human performance—a must for anyone interested in seriously raising the level of their game.”

Ray Kurzweil
Ray Kurzweil
Google Director Of Engineering

“Essential for anyone looking for a better tomorrow.”

Elon Musk
Elon Musk
Tesla, SpaceX, and Boring Company CEO

“Inspiring, filled with incredible insights… a practical how-to game plan for going big and impacting the world.”

Michael Dell
Michael Dell
CEO, Dell Computers

“A visionary roadmap for people who believe they can change the world.”

Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton
Former U.S. President

“Mindblowing. Deep lessons about all of the extraordinary opportunities before us!”

Anousheh Ansari
Anousheh Ansari
CEO, XPRIZE; 1st Private
Female Astronaut

“Every entrepreneur and leader needs to understand the transformation and opportunities to plan and prepare. The future is faster than you think.”

Artist, Producer, and Musician

“A visionary roadmap for people who believe they can change the world.”

Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins

More about The Flow for Writers Curriculum:

Phase 01

The writing craft

This phase is designed to help you build a solid foundation of knowledge. It features a detailed overview of the writing process, as well as lessons on writing fundamentals. Paired with live exercises, you’ll hone your skillset in no time. You’ll learn...

Find your own unique voice

How to steal styles and use them to find your own unique voice.

Leverage your reader's neurochemistry

How to write in a way that leverages your reader’s neurochemistry, so you can effectively tap into their emotions each and every time.

Simple principles

How to use the simple principles that consistently produce compelling, innovative, clear and creative writing.

Choose a book topic that people actually want to read

How to choose a book topic that people actually want to read, by being extremely self-aware in your skillset and goals.

Stop writer’s block

How to break through walls and stop writer’s block in its tracks, so you’re never left struggling to put words to paper.

Phase 02

The Writing Business

This phase is all about the publishing process, including book sale secrets and agent insider tricks. We’ll peel back the curtain and uncover everything Steven’s learned in over 30 years as a writer. You’ll learn...

The road map followed by every bestseller to hit the market

The road map followed by every bestseller to hit the market, including how to cope with tedious interviews, and how to select a world-class agent.

Obtaining a six-figure book advance

The secrets to obtaining a six-figure book advance that most authors don’t want you to know for fear of competition.

Create a niche in the market

How to spot, or create, a niche in the market, so you’re always writing what you want, when you want, rather than settling.

Fully capitalize on your book launch

How to fully capitalize on your book launch, both personally and financially, so you’re set up for success and stability.

Phase 03

Creativity As A Science

We’ll go over the entire creative process from a scientific perspective, so you not only know what works but why. You’ll learn...

What the neuroscience of creativity really is

What the neuroscience of creativity really is and how to use it to appeal to readers on an emotional level, generate interest, and build your community.

How to turn creativity into a tangible, trainable skill that you never run out of.

How to turn creativity into a tangible, trainable skill that you never run out of.

What’s going on behind the scenes of your most creative moments

How to uncover exactly what’s going on behind the scenes of your most creative moments, and use that knowledge to cultivate them on demand.

How to avoid the potential pitfalls of the creative personality

How to avoid the potential pitfalls of the creative personality, while reaping all the rewards.

How to always be at your absolute best

How to always be at your absolute best, even on your worst writing days.

Phase 04

The State of Flow

This phase covers what we like to call “Flow hacking.” It enables you to understand the step-by-step process required to increase creative frequency and quality.

How to use Flow

How to use Flow to boost your writing process to its full potential.

How to leverage that Flow cycle of creativity

How to leverage that Flow cycle of creativity, as well as its triggers, to improve your overall writing output.

How to build a realistic writing routine

How to build a realistic writing routine you can stick to, and simultaneously maximize your progress and creativity.

Transform your environment into a center for ongoing development

How to transform your environment into a center for ongoing development and training, so you’re always on the quest toward improvement.

Phase 05

Integration & Accountability

And finally, during phase 5 you’ll learn how to pinpoint the elements that lead to your success. We’ll study your progress, what tools and mindset strategies led to a productive workday, and then help you replicate that same scenario time and time again. You'll...

Be assigned a writing buddy from the group

Be assigned a writing buddy from the group that wants to learn as much as you do, so you can both hold each other accountable and motivated.

Learn key exercises & habits

Learn key exercises, habits, and hacks that enable you to not only retain all the material covered throughout the course but implement it on a daily basis.

Be an exclusive member of our online community

Become an exclusive member of our online community and be held accountable with continued feedback and support.

our director

Steven Kotler
Director of The Flow Research Collective

Steven is a 4x New York Times bestselling author, and 2x Pulitzer Prize nominee.

He is famous for titles such as The Future Is Faster Than You Think, Stealing Fire, Tomorrowland, The Rise of Superman, Abundance:

The Future is Better Than You Think, Bold, A Small Furry Prayer, West of Jesus, The Angle Quickest For Flight, and Last Tango In Cyberspace

start your application


What is the Flow Research Collective?

The Flow Research Collective is a peak performance research and training institute. On the research side, we’re partnered with universities like Stanford, UCLA, USC and institutions like Deloitte, attempting to understand what happens in the brain and body when human beings are performing at their best. On the training side, we build training programs that help business leaders improve their professional performance by accessing flow states more consistently.

Is Flow for Writers an online training?

Flow for Writers is fully digitally delivered. That means you can do it from anywhere. However, it’s nothing like your usual “online course”. Most online courses have a 3% completion rate. Flow for Writers has a 100% completion rate. This is because it involves live engagement with Steven Kotler and other incredible, aspiring authors from across the globe. It’s not just a big, empty video library.

What’s the purpose of “booking an interview” for Flow for Writers?

One of the important features of the Flow for Writers is the group coaching and community. What makes this so great, is that everyone in Flow for Writers is an inspiring, mission driven coach, consultant or facilitator. The interview process allows us to curate this kind of community and ensure it’s a good fit for both sides. 

When does Flow for Writers start?

You can join as soon as you’re accepted into the Flow for Writers after your interview. However, we do reach coaching capacity, so if you’re interested, we recommend you apply right away. Who will my coach be?

Who will my coach be?

You'll be assigned an expert-level coach by us. You’ll also work with more than one coach over the duration of the training. 

Why does Flow for Writers exist?

As far as we could tell there is no science backed training that teaches business leaders, all the skills needed to unlock sustained peak performance and flow. Zero to Dangerous fills that void. 

Tell me how Flow for writers works one more time… 

Sure. There are three components and they happen in parallel. First, eight weeks of daily video content and exercises. Second, one on one coaching with a PhD trainer every other week for eight weeks. Third, lifetime access to weekly group coaching with the rest of the Flow Research Collective community. 

Who teaches the video content in Flow for Writers?

The content will be taught by both Steven Kotler, 3X New York Times bestselling author and world renowned peak-performance expert and Rian Doris, Kotler’s Co-Founder here at the Flow Research Collective. You’ll love their complementary styles!

"You want to write a bestselling book, successfully launch it to the world, reach the people you want to impact and build your brand and credibility while doing so? Look no further, just join Flow for Writers now!

Raul Villacis portrait
Raul Villacis
CEO at Next Level Experience

“Flow for Writers was totally life changing for me. You won’t find a more amazing community of big, inspiring thinkers anywhere! If you’re considering writing a book, just do it.”

Aurael Christall portrait
Aurael Christall
Financial Advisor & Entrepreneur