Baseline to


Disrupting organizational development with neuroscience
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Underperforming human capital is limiting organizational success.

Stress, burnout and disengagement means employees are performing below baseline. This causes attrition, turnover and suboptimal productivity—all of which result in wasted resources.

At the Flow Research Collective we use a neuroscience-backed approach to guide your people back to a state of sustained peak-performance.

This restores baseline performance and primes your people to go beyond baseline. Wastage is minimized. Value is maximized.

the price you pay

The Cost of Workplace Stress:

$300 Billion

The cost of work related stress to employers in the US alone.

$550 Million

In working days lost from stress-related absenteeism.

80% of Employees

Feel stressed at work.

94% of Executives

Agree that tackling employee performance is critical to success.

“Employee stress and burnout have reached “epidemic” levels over the past decade.”

The majority of employees are burnt out:

Burned out employees have lower productivity. They are 63% more likely to take sick days, and 2.6x more likely to be actively seeking a different job.


23% of employees report feeling burned out at work either very often or always.


44% of employees reported feeling burned out sometimes.

PROBLEM 02: Disengagement

Most employees are not engaged in their jobs:

Disengaged employees cost your organization. An actively disengaged employee costs their organization $3,400 for every $10,000 of that is spent on their salary. Organizations with low engagement have 59% higher turnover.


51% of employees are disengaged at their jobs.


16% are actively disengaged, meaning they’re taking proactive measures to sabotage the success of their organization.

What is flow?

Flow States

To restore your teams output to baseline and beyond we aim to achieve sustained peak-performance. We do this by training the ability to consistently access flow state.

What is “flow”?
Often referred to as “being in the zone” or “being in state”, flow refers to a state of hyper-focus and complete concentration. Almost everyone has experienced flow at some point in their career.

When in a flow state:
Action and awareness merge. Time dilates—slowing down or speeding up. You become totally immersed, at one, with whatever you’re doing. Throughout a flow state, performance drastically increases.

Our mission

Why is Flow our focus?

Over half a decade of research has found flow to be highly correlated with measures of performance. From creativity, decision-making and information processing to skill acquisition, collaboration and motivation.

500% Increase in executives’ productivity.

3 days of heightened creativity after the flow state

+490% faster skill acquisition

+430% increase in creative problem solving


What Is Baseline To Beyond Designed To Achieve?

Make The Boat Go Faster

Defining and communicating your MTP to motivate, recruit, galvanize and make meaning for others.

Multiply Your Enterprise Value

Increase your bottom-line and enterprise value by multiplying output, quality, talent density and performance.

Build A High Performance, High Retention Culture

Retain your best talent, and get the best out of your team through preserving and evolving your culture as you grow.

Develop Your Top Performers

Avoid high risk, high cost recruitment efforts by investing in existing team members and accelerating their responsibility and ownership.

Future Proof Your Organization & Build A Shared Language

Evolve the way your company works and innovates by installing a cutting-edge approach to workplace performance.

Attract The World’s Top Talent

Establish yourself as the destination top performers in your industry flock to by elevating your employer brand.

Help People Do The Best Work Of Their Lives

Help your team thrive and realize their potential so the pinnacle of their career happens at your organization.

Burnout Proof Your Organization

Expand your people’s capacity for stress, overwhelm and chaos so they flourish and even relish volatility, unpredictability, complexity and ambiguity.

Do More With Less

Regardless of how spread thin you are, we’ll help you accomplish an order of magnitude more with the existing team members and resources you have.

Maximize Employee Wellbeing & Mental Health

Help your people perform better than ever, while being happier and more fulfilled than ever.


The Outcomes of Learning to Flow


Participants will understand the science of peak performance-the maps and models, the principles and practices.


Participants will apply these learnings to their own workflows, behaviors and routines to increase output.


Participants will do this in an agile fashion implementation, self-experimentation, iteration, until they arrive at optimal results.


Participants will engage in continued psychometric testing to ensure that tangible, lasting results are being produced.


Participants will conclude the program with self-designed performance plans have been proven to increase output. They will implement these plans long-term.


Participants will understand the science of peak performance-the maps and models, the principles and practices.


Participants will do this in an agile fashion implementation, self-experimentation, iteration, until they arrive at optimal results.


Participants will conclude the program with self-designed performance plans have been proven to increase output. They will implement these plans long-term.


Participants will apply these learnings to their own workflows, behaviors and routines to increase output.


Participants will engage in continued psychometric testing to ensure that tangible, lasting results are being produced.

our methodology

Engagement Format

Our format is designed to achieve permanent behavioral changes while minimizing investment of time and resource. We will achieve the outcomes through this combination of touch-points:

1:1 coaching and progress reports

Learning objectives, benchmarking and metrics

Behaviour modification and tracking

Baseline to Beyond

Example Engagement Outline


Building a Dangerous Mindset


Finding Your North Star for Limitless Motivation


Stress Proofing and Burnout Immunity for Consistent Flow


Becoming a Time Jedi for Super Fluid Work


Harnessing the Power of Flow


Developing Monk-like Focus

Redefining Productivity
Forever Dangerous

Your Baseline to Beyond Instructors:

Steven Kotler

Executive Director at the Flow Research Collective

Rian Doris

Chief Executive Officer at The Flow Research Collective

Dr. Nick Holton

Peak Performance Coach

Dr. Michael Mannino

Peak Performance Coach

Dr. Karen Darke

Peak Performance Coach

Dr. Jared Weintraub

Peak Performance Coach

Dr. Diane Malaspina

Peak Performance Coach

Dr. Carol Grojean

Peak Performance Coach

Dr. Brent Hogarth

Peak Performance Coach

Dr. Adam Wright

Peak Performance Coach

The Flow Research Collective Advisory Board

Adam Gazzaley MD, PHD

Founder & Executive Director - Neuroscape
Professor - Neurology, Physiology and Psychiatry

Dr. Andrew Newberg

Director of research at the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health and a physician at Jefferson University Hospital. 

Mark Twight

Trainer to US Special Forces

Dr. Michael Gervais

High Performance Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Glenn Fox

Head of Design, Strategy and Outreach, USC Performance Science Institute. 

Bret Lockett

Ex NFL Safety & Entrepreneur

Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman

Peak Performance Coach