
Using Adversity, Struggle & Pain To Achieve The Impossible

Mark Pollock
by Flow Research Collective
August 1, 2023
"Realists manage to run acceptance and hope in parallel." - Mark Pollock
Mark Pollock


Unbroken by blindness in 1998, Mark became an adventure athlete competing in ultra-endurance races across deserts, mountains, and the polar ice caps including being the first blind person to race to the South Pole. He also won silver and bronze medals for rowing at the Commonwealth Games and set up an international speaking business.

In 2010, a fall from a second story window nearly killed him. Mark broke his back and the damage to his spinal cord left him paralysed. Now he is on a new expedition, this time to cure paralysis in our lifetime by exploring the intersection where humans and technology collide.

Founder of the global running series called Run in the Dark that happens in 2,000 cities worldwide every year, Mark is a TED speaker, has been selected by the World Economic Forum as a Young Global Leader.


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